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Pain Killers In Your Kitchen

Views: 968
7 superfoods that fight arthritis, backaches, and more.
I have to give credit where credit is due.
This article is from AARP magazine. Writer- Beth Howard.

Red Grapes-
This deeply hued fruit contains resveratrol, a powerful compound that blocks
the enzymes that contribute to tissue degeneration. Eating blueberries and
cranberries is also encouraged. If diet allows, a glass of red wine can
be added. (Check with your doctor first.)

Long used as a digestive aid, ginger is an effective painkiller too.
Ginger relieves pain by blocking an enzyme that's a key component
of the inflammatory process.

Want to cut your osteoarthritis knee pain by 30% or more? Add soy
to your diet.  The secret lies in soy's isoflavones, which are plant
hormones with anti-inflammatory properties. tofu, soy milk,
soy burgers and edamame are all strong options.

High amounts of antioxidants called anthocyanins are the key to
cherries pain fighting power.

Turmeric can fight the pain from rheumatoid arthritis as effectively
as ibuprofen.  Turmeric inhibits a protein called NF-kB; when turned on,
this protein activates the body's inflammatory response, leading to
achy joints.

Caffeine may help reduce pain from exercise. Just don't over do it.
Two cups is about right.

Fish that is high in Omega-3 fatty acids may also help with
not only arthritis, but headaches as well. If fish isn't your "cup of tea"
consider taking a good quality supplement. Check with your doctor
first though if taking blood thinners.

Anti-inflammatory diet.
Limit processed foods. (Excess salt/sugar)
Avoid saturated fats, trans fats and partially hydrogenated oils.

Link and recipe ideas here.

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