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Green Living
#grid Resilience & National Security.
Jun 06 2018 12:40 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
President, ordered Energy Secretary, . . . to halt the shutdown of ailing coal, and nuclear power plants, . . . that were needed to maintain the nation’s: . . . . . . energy mix, . . . . . . grid resilience, and . . . . . . national security. 6-6-2018...
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Follow The Money: $2.2 Trillion For #energy
May 26 2018 12:45 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
Frost & Sullivan’s, analysis of . . . 2018 Global Power Industry Outlook, says . . . Solar, to grow past Wind Energy. The report also predicts that . . . $2.2 trillion will be invested in new energy capacity through 2021, with . . . $600...
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Puerto Rico: Bottom Up #microgrids
May 25 2018 04:25 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
Last September, Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico, . . . destroying most of the island’s energy infrastructure. Puerto Ricans then had to endure the . . . largest and longest blackout in US history. A bottom up network of distributed microgrid...
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China Vs Usa: Green #energy Programs
May 13 2018 08:05 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
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Germany: #energy, Produced & Used Locally
May 13 2018 06:45 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
One remarkable feature of the German energy sector, . . . that is hardly likely to be ignored by visitors to the country, . . . is the localization of the electricity supply system. The decentralization strategy, (Die Energywende), . . . which forms th...
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Iceland: 80% #renewable Energy
May 12 2018 12:55 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
The Icelandic government has put in place, . . . a state-financed incentive program, . . . to increase the use of electric vehicles. With, 6,000 electric cars in 2018 VS . . . 90 in 2014. 5-12-2018 Source: I...
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Follow The Money: #renewable Costs
May 10 2018 12:25 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
Costs for solar power have fallen by 90%, . . . while the costs for wind power have fallen by 50%. “We’ve already seen huge billion-dollar plays, . . . by some of the oil majors, to get into renewables: . . . . . . Shell, . . . . . . Total, . . . . ....
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#solar Still: Clean's Water
Access to clean water, . . . is one of the world's most pressing problems, but, a team of University at Buffalo researchers has a device that uses, . . . black, carbon-dipped paper to produce fresh water. With a solar still the size of a mini frid...
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Florida: Municipal Utilities Go #solar In Big Way
May 07 2018 12:10 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA), announced, . . . “the largest municipal-backed solar project in the nation.” 12 cities, that will buy power from the project include: . . . . . . Alachua, . . . . . . Bartow, . . . . . . Beaches Energy Services (...
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India’S Last #electrified Village
May 06 2018 01:00 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, made it official, . . . tweeting that Leisang in Manipur had become “powered and empowered,” . . . as the last village in India to be electrified. “That night, none of us, including the children, slept due to...
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