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#grid Resilience: Is That Important?

Views: 585
. . . is the electric grid’s ability,
. . . to bounce back after a disruptive event, such as a
. . . . . . Severe storm,
. . . . . . Fuel disruption, or a
. . . . . . Cyberattack.
The greater the grid’s level of resilience,
. . . the less short-term, and
. . . long-term impact these disruptions will have on:
. . . . . . the Grid itself,
. . . . . . Utility bills,
. . . . . . Businesses’ ability to keep operating,
. . . . . . People’s ability to live. and
. . . . . . Communities ability to function.

AES Energy Storage,
. . . underscores the role that battery storage can play,
. . . in making grids more secure, and resilient,
. . . during, and after disasters.

Current research shows,
. . . extreme weather events like Hurricanes:
. . . . . . Harvey,
. . . . . . Irma, and
. . . . . . Maria, are becoming more damaging,
. . . forcing:
. . . . . . communities,
. . . . . . governments, and the
. . . . . . electric power sector,
. . . to take a hard look at grid planning, and
. . . look for ways to make the grid more resilient.
The Dominican Republic offered a surprising example,
. . . during September’s storms,
. . . using battery-based energy storage,
. . . to keep its grid operating,
. . . despite damage to power lines, and
. . . 40% of its generating assets being forced offline.

And as we’ve found in
. . . 6 countries, and counting,
. . . adding energy storage is another key way,
. . . for grid operators to boost resilience.

10-24-2017 Source: #Grid Resilience: Is that Important?

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