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What Is Your Ecological Footprint?

Views: 519
How many acres of land does it take to feed you? How much energy do you consume? How do you travel and commute? Where do you live? Where do you shop? The answers to all of these questions -- and more -- comprise your ecological footprint. The footprint is the measure of the Earth's resources that are necessary to sustain your way of living. The size of your footprint may surprise you.

To find the size of your ecological footprint, take a quiz on either of two websites. The Ecological Footprint Quiz by the Center for Sustainable Economy manages to be thorough in just 27 questions. The Footprint Calculator offered by the Global Footprint Network is also thorough and provides graphics that aid you in visualizing the impact you have through daily activities.

Take heart if you have just discovered to your dismay how many planets it takes to support you. Even small green steps count and add up over time. The biggest takeaway from this exercise, however, is a new way of looking at how each choice we make, even on seemingly trivial matters, impacts the bigger picture. If it influences you to make more sustainable choices in the future, then the exercise was not in vain.

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