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The Story Of Sushi

Views: 618
We talk a lot about sustainable agriculture and commercial farms and agribusiness and even our acidic oceans.  We're concerned about the food we eat and where it comes from, so it's time to have a conversation about sushi.

That's what a restaurant called Bamboo Sushi in Portland, Oregon thinks, anyway, and I agree. They tout their sustainability and in an article for NPRclaim to be "the first certified, sustainable sushi restaurant in the world." The article does point out other restaurants around the country that could lay claim to the title as well, including one of my favorite sushi restaurants here in Seattle.

The world's oceans will be fished out by 2048. It's time to make a change in how we harvest their resources now. The following video explores how that could be done.

I would also like to point out that I'm half Japanese and grew up eating a lot of sushi. The video and restaurant and most of the Western world calls raw fish "sushi" but that is incorrect. Sushi is the rice and other ingredients. Sashimi is the raw fish. We ate sushi at least once a week while I was growing up and three-quarters of what we ate was vegetarian sushi. Handmade by my father. Sushi itself does not need to include any fish at all to be tasty.

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