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Why Do People Want Solar?

Views: 376
2012's Superstorm Sandy. That monster knocked out power to more than
. . . 7 million people along the U.S. East Coast.

The Institute for Energy Research says solar makes up just,
. . . 0.2% of the net energy produced in the U.S.,
. . . homes and businesses with solar panels are no longer considered an oddity.

The SEIA says more than a
. . . 1/2-million homes and businesses now have solar installations, and
. . . during the first half of 2014,
. . . 53% of all new electric capacity was from solar power.

Solar energy costs are also dropping.
. . . A report by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
. . . says the cost of energy sold to utilities from large-scale solar power operations,
. . . has fallen by more than 70% since 2008.

10-14-2014 Source:  Why do people want Solar?

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