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Who Say's The Sun Doesn't Shine At Night?

Views: 778
Halotechnics, a U.S. startup funded by a $3.3 million ARPA-E grant
. . . has devised the perfect solution to keep the lights on well after sundown.

Their innovation could make solar thermal as cheap and convenient as fossil fuels,
. . . but with none of the nasty side effects of burning fossil energy
. . . like asthma, petrostate political systems, and
. . . an unlivable climate for our children.

The perfect solution turned out to be 2 materials:
1) an improved salt mixture, and
2) new form of glass which can operate at increased temperatures,
. . . reducing the amount of storage material needed and
. . . potentially improving efficiency.
These allow for about 3X more energy storage than current solar thermal plants,
. . . which could reduce the size of the mirror array needed by up to about 25%,
. . . increasing their efficiency.

Source: greenprophet

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