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What Do You Do When The Power Goes Out?

Views: 416
In the past 2 decades, non-disaster-related electricity blackouts,
. . . have increased by 124% in the US.
Compounded by the increasing incidence of large disasters
. . . that knock out power for extended periods of time in the US and
. . . longer wait times before you see your electricity back on.
Furthermore, lots of folks have been in situations where grid power,
. . . is either not available or impractical at the location in need.

There is a good rule of thumb for off-grid that is very simple and uses averages:
. . . Figure one solar panel + one battery, 2 PV panels + 2 batteries, etc.
. . . And whatever you think you will use in wattage, double it.
. . . And whatever you think your need in PV panels and batteries,
. . . better double that too.

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