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Alaska: #solar Power

Views: 875
Solar Panels, are replacing Diesel Fuel,
. . . in Canada’s Far North.

Solar energy,
. . . makes sense in places where you have plenty of light.
But, Canadian communities with as little as
. . . 5 hours of sun a day,
. . . could soon leapfrog from diesel dependence,
. . . to a clean energy economy.

“By the end of September 2018,
. . . we’ll be able to have full data on,
. . . how these technologies did throughout the year,
. . . especially during dark times such as now,
It’s a learning scope for us,
. . . we want to see how well the technology handles our harshest climate, and
. . . try to understand if anything better could be designed,
. . . specifically for the Arctic climate.”

“For those living in the Arctic,
. . . petroleum fuel isn’t about global commodity markets:
. . . it’s about survival.
Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources,
. . . are not just possible there,
. . . they’re profitable.”

12-24-2017 Source:  Alaska: #Solar power

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