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What Happens When Solar Power Is As Cheap As Coal?

Views: 541
Solar panel installations are expected to double in the next 2 years.

It's not people putting them on their houses driving most of that change,
. . . it's large scale installations.

You're not going to notice the change, and that's good:
. . . No one will have to do anything to get clean solar power.
. . . It's just going to come from the same place as your old dirty power.

Currently, coal costs about 7 cents a watt,
. . . versus 22 cents for solar.
But the solar industry is moving so fast that those costs will be equal
. . . at least for utilities--by 2013.
In sunny places like California, it's already much closer during peak hours,
. . . when the sun is shining and coal power becomes more expensive.

Source: fastcoexist

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