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Hydro Power Generation Plants

Views: 367
In the U.S..A., there are
. . . 80,000 dams,  and
. . . 97% do not produce electricity.

Cube Hydro acquires, and modernizes hydroelectric facilities,
. . . to demonstrate the value of renewable hydropower, and
. . . reduce our nation’s reliance on carbon-based energy.

When publicly announced pending acquisitions close,
. . . Cube Hydro Partners will manage
. . . . . . 19 plants, on 10 rivers, in 5 states, with a combined capacity of more than
. . . 373 megawatts, generating
. . . 1.4 million megawatt-hours annually, or enough electricity to power approximately
. . .140,000 homes with renewable energy.

10-4-2016 Source:  hydro power generation plants

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