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Hurricane Sandy Ongoing Experience

Views: 1257
During and for weeks after “Superstorm” Sandy,
. . . we lost power and cell service dropped;
. . . we were up against a gas shortage
. . . . . . because the pipelines turn off during the storm and
. . . . . . during loss of electricity,
“So you have
. . . no power,
. . . no communication,
. . . no transportation – and you have
. . . no means of even operating generators that weren’t flooded
. . . . . . because of the gas shortage.
Its such a compounded situation, and it’s all about power.”

Russo lost electricity because her rooftop Solar system is tied to the grid;
. . . during outages most systems shut down
. . . to prevent power from feeding into power lines,
. . . which endangers workers that may be out for repairs.
Storage is going to be my first priority in my [home] rebuild process.

Source:  Sandy-ongoing-experience

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